Jaime A Flores-Torres, MD

USF Department of Pediatrics
2 Tampa General Circle,
Tampa, FL 33606
Phone Number
813-259-8812Fax Number
Dr. Jaime Flores-Torres is a subspecialist in Perinatal-Neonatal Medicine. He was born and raised in Puerto Rico. He received his medical degree from the Universidad Central del Caribe in Bayamon, Puerto Rico. He completed his residency in Pediatrics at the McGovern Medical School in Houston Texas. In 2010, after completing his residency program, he moved to Tampa to complete his Neonatal Fellowship at the University of South Florida (USF). He joined the USF NICU faculty in 2013. Since joining the faculty his main interests have been the Fetal Care Center, Perinatal Consults and Hypoxic Ischemic Encephalopathy.
Provider Information
Age groups seen
Newborns (0-28 days)
Infants and Toddlers (ages 0-2)
Universidad Central del Caribe School of Medicine
Medical School, 2001
Universidad Central De Caribe School Of Medicine
Medical School, 2005
University Of Texas Health Science Center
Residency, Pediatrics
Universidad Central del Caribe School of Medicine
Medical School
Universidad de Puerto Rico
Undergraduate, Biology
USF College of Medicine
Fellowship, Neonatology - New Born Medicine
American Board of Pediatrics - Pediatrics
American Board of Pediatrics - Neonatal-Perinatal Medicine
Insurance Coverage
Note:Please contact the practice directly to confirm your health plan is in network.
Aetna Better Health Medicaid & Healthy Kids
Aetna/Coventry HMO,PPO and POS
Ag Administrators
Ambetter - Exchange (Sunshine ACA plan)
Beech Street
Blue Cross Blue Shield - Exchange Plans (ACA)
Blue Cross Blue Shield HMO-Health Options
Blue Cross Blue Shield HMO-MyBlue
Blue Cross Blue Shield PPO-Network Blue/Blue Select
Blue Cross Blue Shield PPO-Preferred Patient Care
Cigna HMO
Cigna PPO
Clear Health Alliance Medicaid (CHA)
CorVel PPO and Auto Medical
Employers Health Network (EHN)
Evolutions Prime PPO
Evolutions Traditional PPO
Florida Community Care (Medicaid)
Galaxy Health Network
Humana Healthy Horizons (Medicaid)
Humana HMO
Humana PPO
Humana Tampa Bay HUMx (HMOx) Exchange Plan (ACA)
Molina Marketplace (Exchange Plan)
Molina Specialty Care Plan (SMI) fka: Magellan Medicaid
MultiPlan PPO
Oscar Insurance Company of Florida
Private Healthcare Systems PPO (PHCS)
Quality Health Management
Simply Healthcare Medicaid HMO and Healthy Kids
Sunshine Health Medicaid HMO
Tricare Prime
Tricare Select (fka: Extra & Standard)
Truli for Health
United Healthcare Commercial Plan
United Healthcare Exchange Plans
United Medicaid
Vivida Medicaid Plan
Map & Directions
USF Department of Pediatrics
2 Tampa General CircleTampa, FL 33606
Office Number
813-259-8812Fax Number